Your search for endtechabuse_en2bd6 returned 15 results.
English Spanish
Supporting Youth Survivors
English Spanish
Digital Evidence Collection Guide
English Spanish
Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images Guide
English Spanish
Cyber Safety Plan
English Spanish
Case Studies
English Spanish
Tech Support: Building capacity among secondary school campus safety professionals
Tech use & misuse is common among stalking, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence cases, and is even greater when cases involve youth. While the field has begun to emphasize the role of campus safety on college campuses there is still more to learn. Webinar SlidesDownload
Cyberstalking and the Misuse of Technology in Teen Dating Violence Cases: Strategies for Criminal Justice Professionals
Have you noticed an increase in cases related to cyberstalking or technology abuse in your dating or domestic violence cases? This webinar will: Explore the scope of gender-based cyber violence; Examine the most common technologies used to perpetrate these crimes; Identify strategic practices to effectively support young victims. Webinar SlidesDownload
Evidentiary Issues in Teen Cyber Abuse Cases, Nicole Beck, Staff Attorney at Break the Cycle This webinar will explore best practices for criminal justice professionals, including judges, prosecutors, police, victim advocates, and campus safety personnel, who work with students around gathering and preserving evidence related to cyber abuse.
Podcast 1.3 – Without My Consent: Tangible Tools to Combat Online Harassment
Some refer to nonconsensual sharing of images as "revenge porn." Others refer to it as "sextortion." However, what do these terms collectively mean and how is it affecting our youth? With the help of expert, Erica Johnstone of Without My Consent, this podcast will delve directly into the nonconsensual sharing of images and videos, advances the legal community ...